VISUAL ARTS: The Minds Eye

Creativity is the basis for interpreting our inner and outer world from each individual's unique perspective. By putting these insights into visual form, we can express and share our visions. It is fulfilling for an individual to express themselves through visual arts, but also a gift to the viewer. Whether provoking a reaction through beautiful images or jarring ones, social commentary or humor, a few among many possible responses, art has the power to transform both the artist and the viewer. 


There are many mediums available to express one’s self. Friends for A_Dog Foundation has brought art-making opportunities to young people who have found expression through self-portraiture, serigraphy, mural painting, graffiti art, and collage among other mediums. We encourage all levels to participate and to be encouraged and inspired by professional artists to try different techniques and materials. All instruction and materials are provided free of charge.



It is freeing, healing, and fulfilling to find expression through the arts. Every individual has the innate ability to create and share their own vision and perspective. There are no rights and wrongs.